Energy Medicine | Shaman Anita Ancel

Energy Medicine | Shaman Anita Ancel
After 30 years in the newspaper industry, I had to admit I didn't love it anymore. So I quit.
I woke to a new reality: no routine, no career path, no colleagues. The house was empty except for our sweet Border Collie, Scout. I was feeling unsettled and when I'm unsettled I can't think clearly. So I did
the one thing that always calms me, that always refreshes my spirit...
I took a bath.
Lucky for me water is a long-time friend, one that massages my
soul and dissolves the tension from my physical being. It has been
a source of strength many times. And so it was on this first day of
my freedom, I relaxed in a tub. I was still, and open to the moment.
What happened next was quite a surprise, shocking even, and
way beyond my comprehension. Ideas, information and endless possibilities began to flood my mind. They came fast and furious.
There was no way I could capture more than bits and pieces, so in
awe I just let it come.
A shaman helped me understand that water is a conduit for me. It connects me with the invisible world, the world of spirit and universal wisdom. It is a sacred relationship for which I am truly grateful. And it is a gift that is meant to be shared.
Today as a shaman coach, I am devoted to sharing this gift to help others move beyond all that numbs them, all that blocks them from being their true Self, and all that keeps them from aligning with their Soul, their life's purpose. Everyone can achieve a state of well-being while living a life that honors their soul and purpose.
I received the certificate for Luminous Healing and Shamanic Energy Medicine from the Four Winds Society. I studied with and received the Shamanic Lineage Rites from the Q'ero shaman of Peru and the shamans of the Four Winds Society.
My studies are ongoing with Altomisayoq Tupac T'tito Kuntur, Q'ero paqos Don Francisco Chura Flores and Dona Juana Apaza Ccapa, Jorge Delgado and Four Winds faculty.